Build error: Windows 10, 64 bit, Visual Studio Express 2013

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Build error: Windows 10, 64 bit, Visual Studio Express 2013

Post by RadhaKumari »

I am trying to build Open Vibe from source. I was able to install dependencies successfully. However , building it gives me errors. I tried to play with environment variables to rectify errros. But it doesn't seem to work. Am I missing something? I have gone through posts on different forums , but don't seem to find the solution. I had started out with MS Visual Studio 2017 enterprise, then professional, finally VS express 2013.
PS C:\openvibe-2.2> ./build.cmd --platform-target x64
Building sdk
Build type is set to: Release.
Visual Studio 2017 detection skipped as requested
Visual Studio 2015 detection skipped as requested
VStools: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\, VSCMake: Visual Studio 12 2013.
Found Visual Studio 12 2013 tools: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\../../VC/vcvarsall.bat x86_amd64
Compiler is: Visual Studio 12 2013
ninja: error: loading '': No such file or directory
An error occured during building process
Error while building "Release SDK"
PS C:\openvibe-2.2>

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Re: Build error: Windows 10, 64 bit, Visual Studio Express 2

Post by Thibaut »

The build error in windows is a real hellgate.^^
In your case the error is on the beggining in addition.
if you haven't read the instruction its here
if you have read and forgot nothing.
- You have already build a 32 release and it works ? If yes, your visual installation is good.

with 64 build you must have :
- VS 2013 (actually the build requires this, it's boring but for the moment no choice)
- Python 2.X 64 & 3.X 64
next :
- Update the meta git repository we have fix some problem maybe since your previous down.
- delete dependencies, dist, build folder (usually for me it's the main hack to solve build error)
- run the two command (important dependencies 64 are different so you must add the option x64 too) :
install_dependencies.cmd --platform-target x64
build.cmd --platform-target x64

PS : If not fix and you know, instead run command
install_dependencies.cmd --platform-target x64 > C:\log-dependencies-x64.txt
build.cmd --platform-target x64 > C:\log-release-x64.txt
and add the two file on gist

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Re: Build error: Windows 10, 64 bit, Visual Studio Express 2

Post by RadhaKumari »

I was able to install dependencies and build, following your steps. But, running open vibe acquisition server gives me the error:
Screenshot (78).png
Screenshot (78).png (26.13 KiB) Viewed 12559 times
Also, running open vibe designer runs Open Vibe 0.0.0 and also many boxes are red(I suppose not installed):

I downloaded the source files from here:

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Re: Build error: Windows 10, 64 bit, Visual Studio Express 2

Post by Thibaut »

In tutorial there is :
The build generates several launch scripts for you:
openvibe-[application-name].cmd script will launch the desired application.
Note: Do NOT try to launch Designer from designer-Release or designer/Release/ folders, or it will lack several box plugins.
in "C:\YOUR-OPENVIBE-FOLDER\dist\extras-Release-x64" there is all cmd launcher.
For msvc...dll With visual studio (with any version you can use 2017) have you download some windows 10 sdk ?
I have this dll in : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit"
On wisual studio installer manager you can choose some sdk in the list take the last for example

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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:10 pm

Re: Build error: Windows 10, 64 bit, Visual Studio Express 2

Post by RadhaKumari »

Before seeing this message, I installed dependencies and built again, with Python 3 in my environment variables first.
Launching through cmd works without glitches. Thanks. However, the sound player doesn't work with 64 bit windows 10, have posted it as other problem before.

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