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Connecting New EEG hardware with openvibe acquisition server

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:15 am
by rajeshkarivellur
We are trying to connect our Allengers EEG Machine to our openViBE installed pc using Ethernet port.but here driver for the acquisition server is not found in openviBE.
But Allengers EEG driver is provided by the manufacturer (no source code).But how to utilize this driver for openvibe.
Since we do not have the Allengers EEG driver source code, how to create new driver in openViBE.
please suggest us a suitable solution to our problem.

Thanks and regards

Rajesh M.

Re: Connecting New EEG hardware with openvibe acquisition se

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:07 am
by lbonnet
Hi Rajesh, welcome on our forums !

I don't know Allengers EEG, it's the first time I hear about that manufacturer.
From what I see on their website, it's a complete medical system for EEG acquisition, stimulation and more.

I assume you are mixing up "drivers". The manufacturer gave you a driver so your computer can recognize the device and work with it.
To work with openvibe, you need an openvibe acquisition driver. It's a piece of C++ code to be integrated in openvibe so the software can communicate with the device, and get the EEG samples from it.

I'm not aware of any kind of driver development for Allengers devices.

If you want to be able to use OpenViBE with your EEG, you will have to develop this driver.
To do so, you will need to know how to communicate with your device. usually, the manufacturer provides a library or the protocol specifications. Sometimes they don't provide anything. You havr to check it with your provider.

The developer documentation can help you to understand what is a driver and how to implement it.

Starting with existing drivers can be useful too. You will find the source code of the existing openvibe drivers in the source repository under [openvibe-applications/acquisition-server/trunc/src]

Once a new driver is implemented, this represent a very good contribution for the community and we would be glad to integrate it !

Hope this helps !
