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Using Box output as parameters for other boxes

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:31 am
by Tsur
Hi ,

My name is Tsur Herman , a research scientist from the Israeli center for Cognition and Emotion.

I have some questions to the makers of openvibe software, Which I hope will be answered.
First I'd like to comment that openvibe has the potential for being the de-facto software for R&D in the field.
It reminds me a little of the beginning days of Matlab.

My main question for now is, how is it possible to calculate some statistics on the signal , and to use these statistics elsewhere
For example , using computed mean and std values in the crop box.

o.k community, good luck to all of us.

Re: Using Box output as parameters for other boxes

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:27 pm
by lbonnet
Hi Tsur,
One month for a reply, I'm very sorry.
how is it possible to calculate some statistics on the signal , and to use these statistics elsewhere
For example , using computed mean and std values in the crop box.
OpenViBE includes a statistics box (Univariate Statistics) capable of computing the mean, variance, median, etc. on a signal chunk.
To be used with Epoching boxes.

Configuring other boxes like a crop box can be done by writing (automatically) a configuration file for that box. See herefor the format spec.
The unstable box Signal Processing/statistics/Online Mean Variance does that job, by computing the mean and standard deviation on a signal window and writing a crop box and a DSP config files using these values.
If you want to build your own box that write configuration files, take a look at it as an example.

Hope this helps, even if very late :s
