OpenViBE 3.4.0 released

OpenViBE software releases, jobs and events
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Joined: Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:38 pm

OpenViBE 3.4.0 released

Post by Thomas »

We are pleased to announce the release of OpenViBE-3.4.0 (download).

This release brings some new boxes:
  • 2D Matrix to Vector, allowing to extract a vector from a matrix
  • Connectivity Spectrum extraction, getting the connectivity spectrum of a pair of channels
  • Stimulation Converter, outputting a specific stimulation for any incoming stimulation in a specific range
  • Input Stream Switch, outputting a stream and allowing to swtich between multiple input streams
As mentioned in the previous release, it is now possible for developers to compile OpenViBE with MSVC 2017 and MSVC 2019.

For the full list of udpates and fixes, please have a look at the changelog on gitlab changelog.

We would like to thank BrainProducts for their support in the upgrade of the LiveAmp and actiCHamp drivers.
They have mainly been tested with a simulator so any experience feedback will be appreciated.

As always, any feedback is more than welcome.

On behalf of the development team,
