OpenViBE Documentation 3.6.0
OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox Class Referenceabstract

Complete OpenViBE box interface. More...

#include <ovIBox.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox:

Public Member Functions

Box naming and identification
virtual CIdentifier getIdentifier () const =0
 Gets the identifier of this box. More...
virtual CString getName () const =0
 Gets the display name of this box. More...
virtual CIdentifier getAlgorithmClassIdentifier () const =0
 Gets the algorithm class identifier. More...
virtual bool setIdentifier (const CIdentifier &id)=0
 Changes the identifier of this box. More...
virtual bool setName (const CString &name)=0
 Renames this box. More...
virtual bool setAlgorithmClassIdentifier (const CIdentifier &id)=0
 Changes the algorithm identifier of this box. More...
virtual CIdentifier getUnusedSettingIdentifier (const CIdentifier &id=CIdentifier::undefined()) const =0
 Requests for a suggested id. If it is already used in the box or if it is CIdentifier::undefined(), a news random one is proposed uniq in the scope of settings. More...
virtual CIdentifier getUnusedInputIdentifier (const CIdentifier &id=CIdentifier::undefined()) const =0
 Requests for a suggested id. If it is already used in the box or if it is CIdentifier::undefined(), a news random one is proposed uniq in the scope of the inputs of the given map object. More...
virtual CIdentifier getUnusedOutputIdentifier (const CIdentifier &id=CIdentifier::undefined()) const =0
 Requests for a suggested id. If it is already used in the box or if it is CIdentifier::undefined(), a news random one is proposed uniq in the scope of the outputs of the given map object. More...
Initialisation from prototypes etc...
virtual bool initializeFromAlgorithmClassIdentifier (const CIdentifier &id)=0
 Initializes the box from box algorithm descriptor. More...
virtual bool initializeFromExistingBox (const IBox &existingBox)=0
 Initializes the box from an already existing box. More...
virtual bool addInterfacor (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CString &name, const CIdentifier &typeID, const CIdentifier &id, const bool notify=true)=0
virtual bool removeInterfacor (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, const bool notify=true)=0
virtual size_t getInterfacorCount (const EBoxInterfacorType type) const =0
virtual size_t getInterfacorCountIncludingDeprecated (const EBoxInterfacorType type) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorIdentifier (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, CIdentifier &id) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorIndex (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id, size_t &index) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorIndex (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CString &name, size_t &index) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id, CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CString &name, CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorName (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, CString &name) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorName (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id, CString &name) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorDeprecatedStatus (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, bool &value) const =0
virtual bool getInterfacorDeprecatedStatus (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id, bool &value) const =0
virtual bool hasInterfacorWithIdentifier (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id) const =0
virtual bool hasInterfacorWithType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, const CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
virtual bool hasInterfacorWithNameAndType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CString &name, const CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
virtual bool setInterfacorType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
virtual bool setInterfacorType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id, const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
virtual bool setInterfacorType (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CString &name, const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
virtual bool setInterfacorName (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, const CString &name)=0
virtual bool setInterfacorName (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id, const CString &name)=0
virtual bool setInterfacorDeprecatedStatus (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, const bool value)=0
virtual bool setInterfacorDeprecatedStatus (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &id, const bool value)=0
virtual bool updateInterfacorIdentifier (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const size_t index, const CIdentifier &id)=0
virtual bool addInterfacorTypeSupport (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
virtual bool hasInterfacorTypeSupport (const EBoxInterfacorType type, const CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
Input management
virtual bool addInput (const CString &name, const CIdentifier &typeID, const CIdentifier &id=CIdentifier::undefined(), const bool notify=true)=0
 Adds an input to this box. More...
virtual bool removeInput (const size_t index, const bool notify=true)=0
 Removes an input for this box. More...
virtual size_t getInputCount () const =0
 Gets the number of inputs for this box. More...
virtual bool getInputType (const size_t index, CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
 Gets an input type identifier by index. More...
virtual bool getInputName (const size_t index, CString &name) const =0
 Gets an input name by index. More...
virtual bool setInputType (const size_t index, const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
 Sets an input type identifier by index. More...
virtual bool setInputName (const size_t index, const CString &name)=0
 Sets an input name by index. More...
Output management
virtual bool addOutput (const CString &name, const CIdentifier &typeID, const CIdentifier &id=CIdentifier::undefined(), const bool notify=true)=0
 Adds an output to this box. More...
virtual bool removeOutput (const size_t index, const bool notify=true)=0
 Removes an output for this box. More...
virtual size_t getOutputCount () const =0
 Gets the number of outputs for this box. More...
virtual bool getOutputType (const size_t index, CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
 Gets an output type identifier by index. More...
virtual bool getOutputName (const size_t index, CString &name) const =0
 Gets an output name by index. More...
virtual bool setOutputType (const size_t index, const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
 Sets an output type identifier by index. More...
virtual bool setOutputName (const size_t index, const CString &name)=0
 Sets an output name by index. More...
Setting management
virtual bool addSetting (const CString &name, const CIdentifier &typeID, const CString &value, const size_t index=size_t(-1), const bool modifiability=false, const CIdentifier &id=CIdentifier::undefined(), const bool notify=true)=0
 Adds a setting to this box. More...
virtual bool removeSetting (const size_t index, const bool notify=true)=0
 Removes a setting for this box. More...
virtual size_t getSettingCount () const =0
 Gets the number of settings for this box. More...
virtual bool hasSettingWithName (const CString &name) const =0
 checks if a setting with a given name is present More...
virtual bool getSettingType (const size_t index, CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
 Gets a setting type by index. More...
virtual bool getSettingName (const size_t index, CString &name) const =0
 Gets a setting name by index. More...
virtual bool getSettingDefaultValue (const size_t index, CString &value) const =0
 Gets the default setting value by index. More...
virtual bool getSettingDefaultValue (const CIdentifier &id, CString &value) const =0
 Gets the default setting value by id. More...
virtual bool getSettingDefaultValue (const CString &name, CString &defaultValue) const =0
 Gets the default setting value by name. More...
virtual bool getSettingValue (const size_t index, CString &value) const =0
 Gets the setting value by index. More...
virtual bool getSettingValue (const CIdentifier &id, CString &value) const =0
 Gets the setting value by id. More...
virtual bool getSettingValue (const CString &name, CString &value) const =0
 Gets the setting value by name. More...
virtual bool setSettingType (const size_t index, const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
 Sets a setting type identifier by index. More...
virtual bool setSettingName (const size_t index, const CString &name)=0
 Sets a setting name by index. More...
virtual bool setSettingDefaultValue (const size_t index, const CString &value)=0
 Sets the default setting value by index. More...
virtual bool setSettingDefaultValue (const CIdentifier &id, const CString &value)=0
 Sets the default setting value by id. More...
virtual bool setSettingDefaultValue (const CString &name, const CString &value)=0
 Sets the default setting value by name. More...
virtual bool setSettingValue (const size_t index, const CString &value, const bool notify=true)=0
 Sets the setting value by index. More...
virtual bool setSettingValue (const CIdentifier &id, const CString &value)=0
 Sets the setting value by id. More...
virtual bool setSettingValue (const CString &name, const CString &value)=0
 Sets the setting value by name. More...
virtual bool getSettingMod (const size_t index, bool &value) const =0
 Gets the setting modifiability by index. More...
virtual bool getSettingMod (const CIdentifier &id, bool &value) const =0
 Gets the setting modifiability by id. More...
virtual bool getSettingMod (const CString &name, bool &value) const =0
 Gets the setting modifiability by name. More...
virtual bool setSettingMod (const size_t index, const bool value)=0
 Sets the setting modifiability by index. More...
virtual bool setSettingMod (const CIdentifier &id, const bool value)=0
 Sets the setting modifiability by id. More...
virtual bool setSettingMod (const CString &name, const bool value)=0
 Sets the setting modifiability by name. More...
virtual bool swapSettings (const size_t indexA, const size_t indexB)=0
virtual bool swapInputs (const size_t indexA, const size_t indexB)=0
virtual bool swapOutputs (const size_t indexA, const size_t indexB)=0
virtual bool hasModifiableSettings () const =0
 Inform if the box possess a modifiable interface. More...
virtual size_t * getModifiableSettings (size_t &count) const =0
Input/Output management
virtual bool addInputSupport (const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
 Marks this type as supported by inputs. More...
virtual bool hasInputSupport (const CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
 Indicates if a type is support by inputs. More...
virtual bool addOutputSupport (const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
 Marks this type as supported by outputs. More...
virtual bool hasOutputSupport (const CIdentifier &typeID) const =0
 Indicates if a type is support by outputs. More...
virtual bool setSupportTypeFromAlgorithmIdentifier (const CIdentifier &typeID)=0
 Set the supported stream type for input and output according to the restriction of the algorithm whose identifier is given in parameter. More...
virtual std::vector< CIdentifiergetInputSupportTypes () const =0
 Get a vector of input supported types. More...
virtual std::vector< CIdentifiergetOutputSupportTypes () const =0
 Get a vector of output supported types. More...
virtual void clearOutputSupportTypes ()=0
 clear output supported types list More...
virtual void clearInputSupportTypes ()=0
 clear input supported types list More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenViBE::Kernel::IAttributable
virtual bool addAttribute (const CIdentifier &id, const CString &value)=0
virtual bool removeAttribute (const CIdentifier &id)=0
virtual bool removeAllAttributes ()=0
virtual CString getAttributeValue (const CIdentifier &id) const =0
virtual bool setAttributeValue (const CIdentifier &id, const CString &value)=0
virtual bool hasAttribute (const CIdentifier &id) const =0
virtual bool hasAttributes () const =0
virtual CIdentifier getNextAttributeIdentifier (const CIdentifier &previousID) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenViBE::IObject
virtual CIdentifier getClassIdentifier () const =0
 Returns the final class identifier of the concrete class. More...
virtual bool isDerivedFromClass (const CIdentifier &classId) const
 Checks if this object is compatible with a class identifier. More...
virtual bool acceptVisitor (IObjectVisitor &visitor)
 Requests this object to accept a visitor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenViBE::CObservable
virtual void addObserver (IObserver *o)
 Add the observer give in parameter in the list of observers of the object. More...
virtual void deleteObserver (IObserver *o)
 Remove the observer give in parameter from the list of observers of the object. Only the first occurence of the observer will be remove from the list. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenViBE::IObject
virtual ~IObject ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenViBE::CObservable
virtual void setChanged ()
 This function is used to indicate when the notification need to reach the observers. If this function is not called before notifyObserver, the notification will be ignore. More...
virtual void clearChanged ()
 Revert the effect of setChanged.
virtual bool hasChanged ()
 Indicate if some change have been made. More...
virtual void notifyObservers (void *data=nullptr)
 Notify all registered observers. More...

Detailed Description

Complete OpenViBE box interface.

Yann Renard (IRISA/INRIA)

This interface can be used in order to fully describe an OpenViBE black box. It describes its identification values, its inputs, its outputs and its settings.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getIdentifier()

virtual CIdentifier OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getIdentifier ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the identifier of this box.

The identifier of this OpenViBE box.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getName()

virtual CString OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getName ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the display name of this box.

The name of this OpenViBE box.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getAlgorithmClassIdentifier()

virtual CIdentifier OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getAlgorithmClassIdentifier ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the algorithm class identifier.

This box' algorithm class identifier

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setIdentifier()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setIdentifier ( const CIdentifier id)
pure virtual

Changes the identifier of this box.

id[in] : The new id this box should take.
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setName ( const CString name)
pure virtual

Renames this box.

name[in] : The name this box should take
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setAlgorithmClassIdentifier()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setAlgorithmClassIdentifier ( const CIdentifier id)
pure virtual

Changes the algorithm identifier of this box.

id[in] : The new algorithm identifier this box should take.
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getUnusedSettingIdentifier()

virtual CIdentifier OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getUnusedSettingIdentifier ( const CIdentifier id = CIdentifier::undefined()) const
pure virtual

Requests for a suggested id. If it is already used in the box or if it is CIdentifier::undefined(), a news random one is proposed uniq in the scope of settings.

id[in] : the requested id
the proposed id

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getUnusedInputIdentifier()

virtual CIdentifier OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getUnusedInputIdentifier ( const CIdentifier id = CIdentifier::undefined()) const
pure virtual

Requests for a suggested id. If it is already used in the box or if it is CIdentifier::undefined(), a news random one is proposed uniq in the scope of the inputs of the given map object.

id[in] : the requested id
the proposed id

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getUnusedOutputIdentifier()

virtual CIdentifier OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getUnusedOutputIdentifier ( const CIdentifier id = CIdentifier::undefined()) const
pure virtual

Requests for a suggested id. If it is already used in the box or if it is CIdentifier::undefined(), a news random one is proposed uniq in the scope of the outputs of the given map object.

id[in] : the requested id
the proposed id

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ initializeFromAlgorithmClassIdentifier()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::initializeFromAlgorithmClassIdentifier ( const CIdentifier id)
pure virtual

Initializes the box from box algorithm descriptor.

id[in] : The new algorithm identifier this box should take.
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Resets the box and initializes its input/output/settings according to the box algorithm descriptor

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ initializeFromExistingBox()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::initializeFromExistingBox ( const IBox existingBox)
pure virtual

Initializes the box from an already existing box.

existingBox[in] : The existing box.
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Resets the box and initializes its input/output/settings according to the existing box.

◆ addInput()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::addInput ( const CString name,
const CIdentifier typeID,
const CIdentifier id = CIdentifier::undefined(),
const bool  notify = true 
pure virtual

Adds an input to this box.

name[in] : The input name
typeID[in] : The input type id
id[in] : The input id
notify: if true, activate notification callback (true by default)
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

The input is always added after the last already existing input.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ removeInput()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::removeInput ( const size_t  index,
const bool  notify = true 
pure virtual

Removes an input for this box.

index[in] : The index of the input to be removed
notifymanage notify. Is enabled by default
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Inputs coming after the removed input have their indices changing after this, they all decrease by 1.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getInputCount()

virtual size_t OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getInputCount ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the number of inputs for this box.

The number of inputs for this box.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getInputType()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getInputType ( const size_t  index,
CIdentifier typeID 
) const
pure virtual

Gets an input type identifier by index.

index[in] : The input index
typeID[out] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, typeID remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getInputName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getInputName ( const size_t  index,
CString name 
) const
pure virtual

Gets an input name by index.

index[in] : The input index
name[out] : The name of this input
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, name remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setInputType()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setInputType ( const size_t  index,
const CIdentifier typeID 
pure virtual

Sets an input type identifier by index.

index[in] : The input index
typeID[in] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setInputName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setInputName ( const size_t  index,
const CString name 
pure virtual

Sets an input name by index.

index[in] : The input index
name[in] : The name of this input
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ addOutput()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::addOutput ( const CString name,
const CIdentifier typeID,
const CIdentifier id = CIdentifier::undefined(),
const bool  notify = true 
pure virtual

Adds an output to this box.

name[in] : The output name
typeID[in] : The output type idenfitier
id[in] : The output id
notify: if true, activate notification callback (true by default)
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

The output is always added after the last already existing output.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ removeOutput()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::removeOutput ( const size_t  index,
const bool  notify = true 
pure virtual

Removes an output for this box.

index[in] : The index of the output to remove
notifymanage notify. Is enabled by default
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Outputs coming after the removed output have their indices changing after this, they all decrease by 1.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getOutputCount()

virtual size_t OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getOutputCount ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the number of outputs for this box.

The number of outputs for this box.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getOutputType()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getOutputType ( const size_t  index,
CIdentifier typeID 
) const
pure virtual

Gets an output type identifier by index.

index[in] : The output index
typeID[out] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, typeID remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getOutputName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getOutputName ( const size_t  index,
CString name 
) const
pure virtual

Gets an output name by index.

index[in] : The output index
name[out] : The name of this output
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, name remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setOutputType()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setOutputType ( const size_t  index,
const CIdentifier typeID 
pure virtual

Sets an output type identifier by index.

index[in] : The output index
typeID[in] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setOutputName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setOutputName ( const size_t  index,
const CString name 
pure virtual

Sets an output name by index.

index[in] : The output index
name[in] : The name of this output
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ addSetting()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::addSetting ( const CString name,
const CIdentifier typeID,
const CString value,
const size_t  index = size_t(-1),
const bool  modifiability = false,
const CIdentifier id = CIdentifier::undefined(),
const bool  notify = true 
pure virtual

Adds a setting to this box.

name[in] : The setting name
typeID[in] : The setting type id
value[in] : The default value for this setting
index[in] : The index where to add the setting
modifiability[in] : true if modifiable setting
id[in] : The setting id
notifyif true, activate notification callback (true by default)
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

The setting is added to the index required. The default value -1 means that the setting will be add to the end.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ removeSetting()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::removeSetting ( const size_t  index,
const bool  notify = true 
pure virtual

Removes a setting for this box.

index[in] : The index of the setting to remove
notifymanage notify. Is enabled by default
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Settings coming after the removed setting have their indices changing after this, they all decrease by 1.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingCount()

virtual size_t OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingCount ( ) const
pure virtual

Gets the number of settings for this box.

The number of settings for this box.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ hasSettingWithName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::hasSettingWithName ( const CString name) const
pure virtual

checks if a setting with a given name is present

name[in] : Name of the setting
true if setting is present, false otherwise

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingType()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingType ( const size_t  index,
CIdentifier typeID 
) const
pure virtual

Gets a setting type by index.

index[in] : The setting index
typeID[out] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, typeID remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingName ( const size_t  index,
CString name 
) const
pure virtual

Gets a setting name by index.

index[in] : The setting index
name[out] : The name of this setting
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, name remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingDefaultValue() [1/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingDefaultValue ( const size_t  index,
CString value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the default setting value by index.

index[in] : The setting index
value[out] : The default value
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, value remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingDefaultValue() [2/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingDefaultValue ( const CIdentifier id,
CString value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the default setting value by id.

id[in] : The setting id
value[out] : The default value
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, value remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingDefaultValue() [3/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingDefaultValue ( const CString name,
CString defaultValue 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the default setting value by name.

name[in] : The setting name
defaultValue[out] : The default value
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, defaultValue remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingValue() [1/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingValue ( const size_t  index,
CString value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the setting value by index.

index[in] : The setting index
value[out] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, value remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingValue() [2/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingValue ( const CIdentifier id,
CString value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the setting value by id.

id[in] : The setting id
value[out] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, value remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingValue() [3/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingValue ( const CString name,
CString value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the setting value by name.

name[in] : The setting name
value[out] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error. In such case, value remains unchanged.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingType()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingType ( const size_t  index,
const CIdentifier typeID 
pure virtual

Sets a setting type identifier by index.

index[in] : The setting index
typeID[in] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingName()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingName ( const size_t  index,
const CString name 
pure virtual

Sets a setting name by index.

index[in] : The setting index
name[in] : The name of this setting
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingDefaultValue() [1/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingDefaultValue ( const size_t  index,
const CString value 
pure virtual

Sets the default setting value by index.

index[in] : The setting index
value[in] : The default value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingDefaultValue() [2/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingDefaultValue ( const CIdentifier id,
const CString value 
pure virtual

Sets the default setting value by id.

id[in] : The setting id
value[in] : The default value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingDefaultValue() [3/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingDefaultValue ( const CString name,
const CString value 
pure virtual

Sets the default setting value by name.

name[in] : The setting name
value[in] : The default value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingValue() [1/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingValue ( const size_t  index,
const CString value,
const bool  notify = true 
pure virtual

Sets the setting value by index.

index[in] : The setting index
value[in] : The value
notify: allow notification
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingValue() [2/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingValue ( const CIdentifier id,
const CString value 
pure virtual

Sets the setting value by id.

id[in] : The setting id
value[in] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingValue() [3/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingValue ( const CString name,
const CString value 
pure virtual

Sets the setting value by name.

name[in] : The setting name
value[in] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingMod() [1/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingMod ( const size_t  index,
bool &  value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the setting modifiability by index.

index[in] : The setting index
value[out] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingMod() [2/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingMod ( const CIdentifier id,
bool &  value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the setting modifiability by id.

id[in] : The setting id
value[out] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getSettingMod() [3/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getSettingMod ( const CString name,
bool &  value 
) const
pure virtual

Gets the setting modifiability by name.

name[in] : The setting name
value[out] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingMod() [1/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingMod ( const size_t  index,
const bool  value 
pure virtual

Sets the setting modifiability by index.

index[in] : The setting index
value[in] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingMod() [2/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingMod ( const CIdentifier id,
const bool  value 
pure virtual

Sets the setting modifiability by id.

id[in] : The setting id
value[in] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSettingMod() [3/3]

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSettingMod ( const CString name,
const bool  value 
pure virtual

Sets the setting modifiability by name.

name[in] : The setting name
value[in] : The value
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ hasModifiableSettings()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::hasModifiableSettings ( ) const
pure virtual

Inform if the box possess a modifiable interface.

true if it does.
false otherwise.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ addInputSupport()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::addInputSupport ( const CIdentifier typeID)
pure virtual

Marks this type as supported by inputs.

typeID[in] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ hasInputSupport()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::hasInputSupport ( const CIdentifier typeID) const
pure virtual

Indicates if a type is support by inputs.

typeID[in] : The type identifier
true if type is support.
false if type isn't support.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ addOutputSupport()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::addOutputSupport ( const CIdentifier typeID)
pure virtual

Marks this type as supported by outputs.

typeID[in] : The type identifier
true in case of success.
false in case of error.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ hasOutputSupport()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::hasOutputSupport ( const CIdentifier typeID) const
pure virtual

Indicates if a type is support by outputs.

typeID[in] : The type identifier
true if type is support.
false if type isn't support.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ setSupportTypeFromAlgorithmIdentifier()

virtual bool OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::setSupportTypeFromAlgorithmIdentifier ( const CIdentifier typeID)
pure virtual

Set the supported stream type for input and output according to the restriction of the algorithm whose identifier is given in parameter.

typeID[in] : identifier of the algorithm
true in case of success.
false in case of error.
The supported stream list is not reset.

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getInputSupportTypes()

virtual std::vector< CIdentifier > OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getInputSupportTypes ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a vector of input supported types.

the vector of input supported types

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ getOutputSupportTypes()

virtual std::vector< CIdentifier > OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::getOutputSupportTypes ( ) const
pure virtual

Get a vector of output supported types.

the vector of output supported types

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ clearOutputSupportTypes()

virtual void OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::clearOutputSupportTypes ( )
pure virtual

clear output supported types list

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.

◆ clearInputSupportTypes()

virtual void OpenViBE::Kernel::IBox::clearInputSupportTypes ( )
pure virtual

clear input supported types list

Implemented in OpenViBE::Tracker::TrackerBox.