GDF file writer


  • Plugin name : GDF file writer
  • Version : 0.6
  • Author : Yann Renard
  • Company : INRIA/IRISA
  • Short description : This algorithm records on disk what comes from a specific output
  • Documentation template generation date : Jul 24 2014


This algorithm dumps on disk a stream from a specific output in the standard GDF file format

Writes incoming experiment information, signal and stimulations data to a file according to the GDF file format. One simply has to connect this box to an output to save the desired streams to a file. For now, only GDF1 files are supported.


1. Experiment information

This stream contains information about the experiment and subject.

  • Type identifier : Experiment information (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6)

2. Signal

Contains the signal information for the different channels.

  • Type identifier : Signal (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1)

3. Stimulation

Contains information about the stimulations that occurred during the experiment.

  • Type identifier : Stimulations (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e)


1. Filename

Name of the GDF file to be written.

  • Type identifier : Filename (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98)
  • Default value : [ record-[$core{date}-$core{time}].gdf ]


If you want to write the GDF file in your /tmp directory, you can configure the plugin like that :

Filename :



The only output format is GDF1.

The experiment information such as the subject name and sex may not be parsed correctly by other programs.