GDF File Writer Issue!

Dear OpenViBE users,

We have recently found a bug in recent OpenViBE versions impacting the generation of GDF files using the GDF file writer box.

The source of the bug has been found and fixed in the development branch of our git repositories.

However, reflecting on the impact it may have had and might still have on your work, we would like to provide as much support as needed and also a program to help impacted users fix their GDF files.

Indeed, this issue may have impacted your experimentations or the post analysis of your data, leading to wrong results.

What files are corrupted ?

Any GDF file generated with OpenViBE from the versions v3.0.0, v3.1.0, v3.2.0, v3.3.0 is impacted.

How are files corrupted ?

The corruption in the files is impacting the stimulations.

An error in the Event Table header causes a shift in the stimulations, which means that the times of the stimulations are correct but the stimulation codes are shifted. Finally the last stimulation is lost.

How to fix the corrupted files ?

Despite the file corruption, all the stimulation data is present in the file and is therefore recoverable.

We have designed a graphical interface tool that can parse a file or a directory in order to detect and fix corrupted GDF files.

You can find this tool at the following address:

OpenViBE GDF File Fixer

You can also see the source code of the tool and more explanations on the issue on its gitlab repository.

What’s next ?

We are going to release, very soon, a patched version of OpenViBE for each contaminated version.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or difficulties with the recovery of your corrupted GDF files, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused and are putting efforts in improving the test coverage of the code base in order to avoid this kind of issue in the future.

All the Best,

The OpenVibE Development Team

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