Stack Exchange BCI proposal

About Brain Computer Interfaces, EEG, neurofeedback, related event announcements, jobs, etc.
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Stack Exchange BCI proposal

Post by hackr »

Hi Everyone,

For anyone who is interested, there's a BCI Stack Exchange proposal going on. If you would like to support it you can use the link below to "follow" the proposal and submit sample questions. ... 5QQ5NKU4g2

For those who are not aware, a Stack Exchange site is something very different from a forum (and in no way would replace the role of any forum). It's for highly structured questions and answers and provides a central place for experts from the many different platform-specific forums to share knowledge. We just started the proposal last night, so it's in it's infancy and can use some support.



PS The "Area 51" Stack Exchange is where they develop future SE sites. It has nothing to do with aliens ;)

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Re: Stack Exchange BCI proposal

Post by jtlindgren »

Hi Jason,

that sounds like a great idea. For us, the openvibe forum has pretty much served the same kind of function as stack exchange does, but with less structure. We hope that users first try google and then find answers from the old threads. Going more structured might be an excellent idea, especially due to voting and hopeful avoidance of duplicate questions.

Honestly, a challenge on the openvibe forum is that many people try BCI, ask a few questions, and then quickly realize how difficult it is actually to get BCI to work well, and then pass on to something else. Many don't stick around to help others. Perhaps in stack exchange, the upvoting and more explicit reputation system might encougage the remaining people to provide answers more eagerly.

Lets hope that the stack exchange effort lifts off! If it does, I'm happy to add at least some sort of link to it from the ov forums or the webpage to give people another resource to look into when they have BCI questions. However, I'm afraid that from our side we don't presently have the resources to answer questions on multiple sites.


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