openvibe interfacing with arduino

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openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by priyamkar1990 »

i m actually trying to interface openvibe with arduino so that i may control some robot .the only way i found to do so is through vrpn server and client .i mean vrpn server will send the values to vrpn client and probably i can view these values on hyper terminal . my question is, is it possible to use these values over the arduino platform. if yes then how ? if not then is there any other way to do so.
if anyone has any idea how to do that please share ,it would be very helpful for me
thank u

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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by tgaugry »


You'll likely want to look at the OSC box. With it you can send a signalor stimulation input over the network.
On the arduino side you would have to develop a udp server to receive that information and process it.

Is it what you are looking for ?

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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by priyamkar1990 »

sir i have found a sketch over the arduino platform to receive UDP messages and print them over the serial monitor.
i am using the OSC controller box on the openvibe side . in the parameter section i have entered the IP address and port address of the local area connection which got established when arduino with ethernet shield is being connected with the computer. sir i don't know what i am supposed to enter in the OSC address in the osc controller box settings.
currently i am keeping server address as default value and getting nothing over the serial monitor.
please tell me what is the point i am missing
i am attaching the snapshot of the open vibe scenario.
thank you
Capture 3.PNG
Capture 3.PNG (20.29 KiB) Viewed 18993 times

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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by tgaugry »


The OSC message box send data using the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol, so you will have to "decode" it (or more accurately, interpret the data correctly).
There is several OSC library on github that you could use if you don't want to handle decoding yourself.

Hope that helps,

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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by jtlindgren »

Hi, just chiming in,

there's many different ways to make openvibe communicate with external apps. In the case of OSC, the details are specific to how OSC works as a communication protocol. I'm not personally familiar with that, but I'm sure you'll find a lot of material from the internet.

Regarding alternative solutions, I remember one user had done a solution that she used LabStreamingLayer (LSL) to send data out from Designer, and then she read it in from a Python script loop which then interacted with the Arduino board. The Python script was ran independently from OpenViBE from a command line (she didn't use the Python scripting box). This solution is a bit cumbersome as you need to work with both LSL, Python, and how Python interacts with Arduino (I think it was over serial port). Just recalling it as an example of the kind of routing you can do.


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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by priyamkar1990 »

i have gone through many documentation about the OSC protocol but i am still not getting what should i keep as the OSC address in the parameter section of OSC controller box so that i can receive the packet of data in the OSC server

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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by jtlindgren »

Basically it seems to be described here,

The address is just a symbolic name of some 'device' the server side recognizes. Whether OSC is a good way to talk with Arduino I can't say; I probably wouldn't do it that way myself, unless I found a premade OSC server library for Arduino. I expect OSC is usually used by linking some premade library or by people who are already working with something that has OSC support built in (synthesizers, music software, for example).


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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by tgaugry »


What you put in the OSC address box is up to you. In OSC protocol, all data is send to an ip/port; if you have multiple commands, they are send in the same packet, and you'll use the osc address to differentiate them.
That means you just have to choose a name, and use the same one on both sides (like /myfunction).

Anyway, you should be receiving data, even if your software doesn't interpret it correctly (yet). Is it the case ?


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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by priyamkar1990 »

thank you guys fro your kind attention and reply
i am using arduino uno board with ethernet shield as an OSC server. the arduino sketch(program) that i have is capable of receiving UDP packets and print them over the serial monitor.
the server seems to work nicely but i am still not getting any thing. first i thought there is something to do with the OSC address, but as u guys are saying that it should not affect the reception in UDP packets and its just some random name that i can keep as my wish.
but i still cant see any data coming. is there anything to do with the format of packets.if yes can anyone help me with that
i am attaching the screen shots what i get on the serial console through the OSC server. my local area network ip address we can see from the screen shots.the port number of the network is 1900. one more thing i must mention whether i am running the OpenVibe scenerion or not i still get this over my serial monitor.
Capture2.PNG (2.62 KiB) Viewed 18945 times
Capture1.PNG (2.55 KiB) Viewed 18945 times

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Re: openvibe interfacing with arduino

Post by priyamkar1990 »

hey guys i finally been able to interface openvibe with ardiuno through OSC controller box
but now the thing is waht i am receiving is "#bundle" and i really don't understand the meaning of this
is there any way i can unpack this bundle or can see some particular values that i can use as a parameter to control some devices through ardiuno
it will be very helpful if anyone can get me through this
thank you!

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