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External triggers

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:16 am
by R0MA1N

I would like to measure reaction time with openvibe by plugging a button to the serial port of an ANT Refa 8 amplifier.
With ASA software it displays some triggers when a button is pushed but I can't read this trigger in openvibe...
Does the driver is able to read data coming from the serial port of this amplifier?
Otherwise we have a NI acquisition card, is there any driver in development for this kind of devices?


Re: External triggers

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:36 am
by yrenard
Dear R0MA1N,

thank you for your interest in OpenViBE and welcome on this forum. I'm sure that the NeXus driver does not handle the triggers. Looking into the sources of the TMSi Refa driver, I also believe that it does not support triggers for now. The person in charge of the TMSi driver is currently on holidays but he will hopefully be able to implement this feature when he comes back. Please stay tuned ;)

As regarding the NI acquisition card, I am not aware of anybody currently writing a driver for OpenViBE. If you have knowledge in C++, feel free to contribute ! Just read the dedicated tutorials on how to develop a driver.

Have fun with OpenViBE,

Re: External triggers

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:20 pm
by bpayan
Dear R0MA1N,

I'm sorry for this late response.
I haven't got trigger's materials but I just found few information about it. Finally, triggers are displayed by Openvibe but not as a stimulation, they are integrated in the signal.
If you display all channel in a signal display, you can see a signal representing a saw tooth, it's the digital input. This Channel contains two information. The first is the saw tooth, using to verify if signals are correctly received. The second is triggers' information, they would be represented by an irregularity in signals.
I'll try to convert these triggers in OpenViBE's stimulations but I haven't got enough information about these irregularities. Can you record your signals and save them in a gdf file. I need to see triggers' values when you press or not the trigger button and triggers values when you maintain the button press during few seconds.
Can you send me your openvibe-acquisition-server.log file with "Debug log" activate. I need information given when the device is just connected and not started.
The best is to record the gdf file first and restart the acquisition server with "Debug log" Activate ( in file ${UserHome}/openvibe, add these lines, before to start the acquisition server software:

Code: Select all

Kernel_MainLogLevel = Debug
Kernel_FileLogLevel = Debug
if this file doesn't exist, you can create it) and just connect the device and disconnect it.
You can find the log file in this path : OpenVibe_directory\dist\log\openvibe-acquisition-server.log

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


Re: External triggers

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:12 am
by bpayan
Dear R0MA1N

I made some modifications for the TMSI device and I sent it on the forge. Now it's possible to use external trigger with this device, but I haven't got the trigger system for it, so I haven't tested it and I don't know if it running well. Could you test it and give me some feedback, thank you.

You can find these modifications in the branch wip-bpayan-Micromed-trigger

Best regards,


Re: External triggers

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:18 pm
by R0MA1N

Sorry for the delay, I haven't checked this page since yann replies.
Meanwhile, I found another solution to record button's triggers using Labview and an Acquisition device.

However it would be great to use directly the TMSI device...
I'm gonna test your code with my setup and give you some feedback as soon as possible.

Thanks for helping,

Re: External triggers

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:35 pm
by R0MA1N

Sources have been complied properly.
Acquisition server launches correctly as well, but the designer crashes when I execute the test-designer.cmd
That's probably because I'm working on a Windows XP 64 bits PC.
I though you'd like to get some feedback about this OS, thus I added the windows report details at this post.
I'll do further test on a XP 32bits PC next week and if it works well, I send you some recordings.
