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Problem: BrainProducts VAmp driver VS BrainVision Recorder

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:30 am
by lbonnet
Hello openvibers !

Some VAmp users reported a problem using the VAmp driver while the BrainVision Recorder is installed on the acquisition PC. We experienced the same problem :
The VAmp driver can't access the amplifier if the BrainVision Recorder is installed.
In fact, the Recorder keeps running an utility called "VampService.exe", that takes control over the amplifier and prevents other software to communicate with it, even if the Recorder is not running.

We have contacted BrainProducts about that problem, and we will keep you posted ;)

In the mean time, if this problem happens to you, the simplest solution is to kill the process "VampService.exe" in the task manager, or uninstall the BrainVision Recorder if you don't need it. The openvibe driver should work fine then.



Re: Problem: BrainProducts VAmp driver VS BrainVision Recorder

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:54 am
by lbonnet
Some good news !

Thanks to our BrainProduct contact, we have a patch to correct this problem.

We still need more discussion about how we will properly integrate it in the official releases.
The next release (0.7.0) won't integrate the patch, but it will be available in the latest SVN version.

Feel free to try it (you need to build openvibe from SVN sources), and give us some feedback !
