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Start/pause Signal Acquisition from MATLAB

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:31 am
by Moosa
Hello Friends,

I have a hand movement task in Matlab psychotoolbox, so I want to start EEG signal acquisition from Matlab.
if fact, I am using a gtec nautilus EEG device, which is supported by openvibe acquisition server. I am new to openvibe, up until now, I could connect gtec device to openvibe server(via opnevibe server gui), and in openvibe designer, I wrote a scenario using an acquisition client box and CSV writer box to get signal from the server and write it on a file. In this case, I have to start the scenario by clicking start/pause button in the designer app, But I want to start/pause the scenario via Matlab because my task is in running in Matlab.

Thanks in advice for helping.

Re: Start/pause Signal Acquisition from MATLAB

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:03 am
by Thibaut
Sorry it's actually not possible to start/stop openvibe with matlab script. Your script matlab is running by the box in designer not the inverse.

Re: Start/pause Signal Acquisition from MATLAB

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 4:25 pm
by Moosa
Hi Thibaut,

Thank you so much for your swift reply. I came up with another question: is there any way to send a trigger signal to start/pause acquisition EEG signal?
based on your response, I am thinking of sending a trigger signal to OpenVibe and Matlab simultaneously to start the task and signal recording at the same time.


Re: Start/pause Signal Acquisition from MATLAB

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:18 am
by Thibaut
You have the Stream Switch box. You can decide on the output of your signal with stimulation. So you can designate an output that will not work and the second that will be linked to the rest of your scenario.