1. openvibe-applications/designer/trunc/src/ovdCApplication.cpp : quitApplicationCB()
The commented lines at the end - after '// release the log manager and free the memory'- should be uncommented (bug it triggered fixed in next point)
2. Bug Fixed in last version : In openvibe-kernel-omk/trunc/src/openvibe-kernel/kernel/log/ovkCLogManager.cpp : removeListener()
If the pListener we want to remove is the last of the vector, we shouldn't do 'itLogListener++;'. Add a break to avoid it and I suggest we do a for loop instead of a while loop to avoid infinite recursion.
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for (vector<ILogListener*>::iterator itLogListener=m_vListener.begin();itLogListener!=m_vListener.end();)
The CSignalChannelDisplay objects referenced in the vector m_oChannelDisplay should be emptied - as we have 'm_oChannelDisplay = new CSignalChannelDisplay(...)' and 'm_oChannelDisplay->addChannel(i)' in init ()- and the bottom ruler destroyed - as we have 'm_pBottomRuler = new CBottomTimeRuler(...)' at the end of init().
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std::vector < CSignalChannelDisplay* >::iterator it;
for (it=m_oChannelDisplay.begin();it!=m_oChannelDisplay.end();it++)
delete (*it);
delete m_pBottomRuler;
Remove the 'g_object_unref(m_pLeftRuler);'
5. openvibe-kernel-omk/trunc/src/openvibe-kernel/kernel/plugins/ovkCPluginModule.cpp
Add a ~CPluginModuleBase() virtual function to clear the m_vPluginObjectDescriptor - as we do pushbacks in getPluginObjectDescription().
6. openvibe-kernel-omk/trunc/src/openvibe-kernel/kernel/plugins/ovkCPluginManager.cpp : ~CPluginManager()
We need to empty the m_vPluginModule vector as it contains IPluginModules linked to CPluginModuleBase objects. Those objects should be uninitialized and deleted.
Therefore you can add at the end of the method the following instructions.
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vector < IPluginModule* >::iterator k;
for(k=m_vPluginModule.begin(); k!=m_vPluginModule.end(); k++)
delete (*k);
Add the following code right after the "TODO" to delete the CVisualisationWidget objects - that we add in 'addVisualisationWidget(...)' method.
std::map<OpenViBE::CIdentifier, OpenViBE::Kernel::IVisualisationWidget*>::iterator it;
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for (it=m_vVisualisationWidget.begin();it!=m_vVisualisationWidget.end();it++)
delete (*it).second;