Channel Selector Box and TCP data transfer

Working with OpenViBE signal processing scenarios and doing scenario/BCI design
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Channel Selector Box and TCP data transfer

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Hi all,

I am currently using the two versions of OpenVibe. One is Mensia to use with brain products and the other is OpenVibe Designer 1.0.0 for Emotiv EPOC.
Firstly, the channel selector box it's not allowing me to select different channels. For e.g if I write 1:4 or 6:12 or 3:9 then it's working fine but if I want to extract for say 1:4:5:9 then it only shows channel number 1, and this is happening in both versions.
Secondly, in the Mensia version with brain products, I am using matrix sender box to send matrix to TCP. But, I can't find this box in the OpenVibe Designer 1.0.0 , even, not any other box like TCP writer or something to transfer data to other software.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



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Re: Channel Selector Box and TCP data transfer

Post by gserrier »


1/ The channel selector box use two different separators. The first ':' is use for range, the second ";" is used for listing ranges or indexes. When you give to the software 1:4:5:9, it tries to convert it in a range from channel 1 to channel 4:5:9 and so fails. Try with putting ';' (like 1:4;5:9) to separate the different ranges and it should be ok ;).

2/ The Mensia version comes with specific boxes that are not part of the free version of OpenViBE. The matrix sender box is part of it. However, you can use the TCP writer box in OpenViBE to send signal/matrix/stimulation, yet, I don't know what are the concrete difference in format between the two streams. You can also use the LSL export box, or vrpn.


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