P300 speller scenario, training setup

Working with OpenViBE signal processing scenarios and doing scenario/BCI design
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P300 speller scenario, training setup

Post by dfrazz13 »

Hi, we are a group of students working on BCI. We have used openvibe to start some p300 experiments, and now we would like to reproduce the same in matlab. We are looking at your setup for the P300-speller-2-train-csp, and the p300-speller-3-train-classifier and we have a couple of questions:

1- signal decimation: why have you decided to use this component?
2-time based epoching: we do not understand the purpose of this box. For example, in the training of the CSP a simulation based epoching is used to extract the window associated to the target stimuli, and it is forwarded to the csp trainer. At the same time, the time based epoching extracts a window of 250 ms, and sends it to the standard stimuli input of the csp trainer. the offset of the time based epoch box is 250 ms, that means that at the next step, the stimulation based epoch will extract a window around a new event, while the time based will extract the successive 250 ms, again sending the window as standard stimulus. Almost the same is for the training of the classifier.
Could you clarify this configuration?

Thank you very much for your help.

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