Brain controlled switch (left & right hands)

Working with OpenViBE signal processing scenarios and doing scenario/BCI design
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Brain controlled switch (left & right hands)

Post by NEBILI Yahia »

I'm working on imaginary movements (left & right): towards brain-controlled switch with BCI. (I'm using OpenVibe 3.1.0)
Based on motor imagery for Graz method I'm trying to detect the movement of the left and the right hand,
after the online test I would add a switch button (1 or O), in reality it's a muscle stimulator machine.
The aim of this project is to activate this switch button (will be 1) when we move the right hand, else still 0 in the other cases.
The question is which box should we add to represent this switch button in OpenVibe and
how do we connect it with the classifier trained to detect the movement of the right hand.
Thank you so much for your help

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Joined: Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:38 pm

Re: Brain controlled switch (left & right hands)

Post by Thomas »

Hi Yahia,

In order to represent the switch states, you could use the Display Cue Image box.
It is a configurable box allowing you to display an image of your choice depending on an incoming stimulation, so you could have a Switch-On image and a Switch-Off image, being displayed for each classifier target stimulation.

You can connect this box to the the first output (stimulation) of the Classifier Processor box, which outputs the detected class for each feature vector it receives.

Hope this helps.


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