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how to synchronize inputs to the simple DSP box ?

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:58 pm
by kiyarash
In my scenario, I give the simple DSP box two inputs. In the first case where the box is called “average T7 and T8_Simple DSP” I know the two inputs are synchronized since the parallel threads are doing the same thing. But in the second one where I’m calculating “theta_power/total_power” I know that the right thread which is calculating theta_power has one extra temporal filtering step which causes it to be slower than my other thread. So the two inputs to the simple DSP box are not synchronized.

What can I do to synchronize my two inputs?

some more elaboration about what I'm trying to do: I want to get the values of T7 and T8 electrodes, average them then after filtering the average between 4 and 8 Hz calculate its power the divide this to the total power times 100 to get the power percentage of the theta band.
so the left thread is actually calculating the total power.


Re: how to synchronize inputs to the simple DSP box ?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:24 pm
by jtlindgren
Hi, as a quick hack/test, I'd try to generate impulse signals (ie spikes of 1 amidts signal of 0) and see how much they're delayed by the different branches. Do you see a big difference between the two?
