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box with a game

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:06 pm
by pwierzgala
Hi, it's my first post here so first of all I'd like to say thank you for a great job with Open ViBE. I seems to be really nice piece of work and it looks like that this is what I need.

I would like to to create a python scription box with a simple neurofeedback 2D game. Unfortunately I've stucked at the very beginning because I have no idea how to draw on a box. Could you give me any hint?

Re: box with a game

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:02 pm
by pwierzgala
The answer is quite simle. There's a "" example script in "openvibe/scenarios/box-tutorials/python/sciripts" which is the answer to my question.

Is this Open ViBE project alive at all? I'm wondering because it's strange that such easy question reamined unanswered for so long.

Re: box with a game

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:34 pm
Dear Pwierzgala. I am glad that you have found the answer to your question, and thank you for sharing it! I am sorry that nobody answered you so far, but I guessed your question was an easy question only for people who have already tried to do what you want to do, which is in fact very specific (personally I had no idea how to do it). I think most OpenViBE users did not know the answer to your question that's why they did not answer. Actually most OpenViBE users who want to do BCI-based gaming, are designing the BCI with OpenViBE and connecting (e.g., using VRPN or TCPIP) the resulting BCI with the game which is an external application. Very few users want to create the game inside OpenViBE itself (since it is not really designed for that). Anyway, don't worry this project is still alive, so don't hesitate to post here other questions and comments in the future if needed! Hopefully we will have the answer next time :-).

Best regards,
Fabien Lotte