Help request

Concerning processing components: filters, file load/save, visualizations, communication ...
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Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2018 12:31 pm

Help request

Post by Yael »

Dear Thibaut and Jussi,

I really need your help and guidance in connecting the Openvibe with the brain product recview software. the reason I need it is to use the openvibe in an MRI environment.
I've downloaded the RDAServer.dll file from the BCI2000 kit, and built the filter tree as bellow. Yet I was not able to record with the open vibe, I was hoping for your guidance with a few questions.
1. Do I need to download anything other than the RDAServer.dll that I saved in the recview? maybe from the "CopyToBCI2000_prog_directory" folder and copy to a place in the openvibe instead?

2. In order to work with the recview I need to first open the recorder, but I can't record from both the recorder and the openvibe acquisition server.
Do I need to open the acquisition server, what driver to choose? I usually choose the Brain Product BrainAmp series, but I also tried using the Brain Products amplifiers with no success.
3.I've also tried opening the recorder >>recview>> Openvibe designer only and entering the server port of the RDA client, yet with no success. Is there another box I should use?

I will be forever greatfull for any assistance and guidance you can give me.

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