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How to report analysed signals using OpenViBE

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:39 am
by madi
Hi all,

Can OpenViBE do Online/Offline analysis of data recorded? Because i could not find any way I could report the graphs e.g. Power Spectrum Display or time frequency analysis or topographic maps etc. We cannot save the graphs after the analysis, there is only one way and that is the screen shot during the online analysis which is not appropriate.
Alternate way is access data via CSV or EDF file and analyse it in another software either MATLAB or other software... Can't OpenViBE do this?

Please anyone with solution help me.

Re: How to report analysed signals using OpenViBE

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:12 am
by jtlindgren
Hello Madi,

OpenViBE has originally been designed as a streaming tool to do 'online' BCI experiments. The operating philosophy is of boxes processing small chunks of streamed signal at a time. This is quite different from the matlab/R/scipy offline data analysis view, where you have all the data (or epochs) at once in one big matrix or tensor that you then manipulate in various ways. Although you can form one very large epoch in OpenViBE and get some box to do stuff with it, clearly the platform is not designed for data analysis and data exploration in mind: for example, it is not possible to 'seek' in data without implementing some sort of buffer box (afaik Mensia has one). My own feeling is that if you want to do data analysis or visualization in offline or global sense, exporting the data to some classic statistical package (such as those mentioned before) might be your best option.

If you want openvibe visualizations extracted somewhere, screenshot is indeed the only choice for the moment (unless you want to implement some saving routine in the visualizer box using C++).


Re: How to report analysed signals using OpenViBE

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:39 am
by madi
That's what I thought of. Can you send me a link where it describes steps on how to export files saved in OpenVIBE (EDF/GDF/CSV) to BCILAB or BCI2000?

Because so far I discovered only EEGLAB can easily load EDF/GDF files that I saved using OpenVIBE. However BCILAB (a plugin of EEGLAB) cannot read those files. And because I am doing motor imagery experiments and precisely working with Mu and Beta oscillatory rhythms I prefer using BCILAB as it is very handy and made for BCI users instead of EEGLAB that only has ICA analysis for oscillatory rhythms for picking control features.

Thanks in advance