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Newbie question about neurosky

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:07 am
by sarek007
Hello there, thanks for a great forum.
I have a Neurosky Mindset and want to use it to see beta waves, alpha waves etc. The goal being to be able to learn to increase beta waves through training. I know nothing about electronics or code, but I've read every post here just about and think what I want is possible. I know raw data comes from the mindset and I'm thinking Openvibe is software that 'sorts' it all out? (Wow, I sound dumb compared to all of you.)
I also think the acquisition server is what takes the signal from the mindset to Openvibe for analysis.

So, after all that;
a) is it possible
b) how do I do it?
I'm very willing to learn what I can, I've read loads of stuff about BCI's, neurofeedback, biofeedback etc. My sense is that is if the user can see the beta waves thay can consentrate to increase them. Similar to a game but more basic.

Anyhow, please forgive me if I've posted in the wrong place or asked a silly question. I am really excited about the mindset and the potential it holds.

Re: Newbie question about neurosky

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:36 pm
by yrenard
Dear Ann,

all of this is indeed possible with OpenViBE. I suggest you look at the 1h tutorial video, that will help you understanding how things could be done with OpenViBE.


Re: Newbie question about neurosky

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:32 pm
by grayscope
Hello. I also recommend the video tutorial and take notes, but will also give you a step by step guide to make your start easy. These are the steps:
1. Open the acquisition server, after which a box should pop up with some options. You want to open the drop down menu labeled Driver: and select NeuroSky Mindset, select connect and when the light is blue the signal is acquired press play. This is just basic set up and not needed for step 2.
2.Open the OpenVibe designer and select from the file menu New. This opens a new file for you to implement the boxes you need. You need a set up to save the data received and write it to a file. On your left is the first folder titled Acquisition, click and expand to see the one option labeled Acquisition Client, drag and drop to screen. Also on your left the forth folder down is labeled: File Reading and Writing, click on it to expand the sub-directory, which should than give you the option to select: GDF; click on GDF and select: GDF File Writer, drag and drop this item to the center of the screen below the Acquisition client box. Click on the pink colored triangle(mouse over will show it says signal stream) on the Acquisition client box and link it to the GDF file writer. Right click the GDF file writer and give your file a name after the code that logs the date and time; it should look something like this:record-[$core{date}-$core{time}]yourfilename.gdf. This will save any data received from Neurosky when you press the play button at the top of the screen.
3. Now that you have your data you can create a scenario to filter it. Open a new file. From the folder labeled File Reading and writing, under the sub-header GDF select GDF file reader. Drag and drop this onto the screen. Expand the folder titled Signal Processing and from there select Filtering. Click and drag the Temporal Filter-GPL to the screen. You can drag and drop as many as you want for the different frequency ranges. Connect the pink output of the GDF file reader to the input of the Temporal Filter Box. To change the frequency range of the filter, right click the Temporal Filter Box, select configure and enter the values for the Low-Cut frequency and High-Cut frequency.
4. Lastly to display the output select the visualization folder and than the Basic folder, drag and drop the Signal display to the screen, one for each filter if there are more than one. Name the signal display so you know what is what.
5. Right click the GDF File Reader, select the folder button, then from the list select bin, your file should be stored there, click on your file and than click apply. That's about it. Than press play and the scenario should output your EEG in the frequencies you selected.