Erreur dans l'exécution de NSIS

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Erreur dans l'exécution de NSIS

Post by mcongedo »


nous rencontrons un erreur lorsque on execute NSIS (voir dernières ligne ici en bas).
Savez vous de où ça vient?


MakeNSIS v2.46 - Copyright 1995-2009 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing config:
Processing plugin dlls: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\*.dll"
- AdvSplash::show
- Banner::destroy
- Banner::getWindow
- Banner::show
- BgImage::AddImage
- BgImage::AddText
- BgImage::Clear
- BgImage::Destroy
- BgImage::Redraw
- BgImage::SetBg
- BgImage::SetReturn
- BgImage::Sound
- Dialer::AttemptConnect
- Dialer::AutodialHangup
- Dialer::AutodialOnline
- Dialer::AutodialUnattended
- Dialer::GetConnectedState
- InstallOptions::dialog
- InstallOptions::initDialog
- InstallOptions::show
- LangDLL::LangDialog
- Math::Script
- NSISdl::download
- NSISdl::download_quiet
- Splash::show
- StartMenu::Init
- StartMenu::Select
- StartMenu::Show
- System::Alloc
- System::Call
- System::Copy
- System::Free
- System::Get
- System::Int64Op
- System::Store
- TypeLib::GetLibVersion
- TypeLib::Register
- TypeLib::UnRegister
- UserInfo::GetAccountType
- UserInfo::GetName
- UserInfo::GetOriginalAccountType
- VPatch::GetFileCRC32
- VPatch::GetFileMD5
- VPatch::vpatchfile
- ZipDLL::extractall
- ZipDLL::extractfile
- nsDialogs::Create
- nsDialogs::CreateControl
- nsDialogs::CreateItem
- nsDialogs::CreateTimer
- nsDialogs::GetUserData
- nsDialogs::KillTimer
- nsDialogs::OnBack
- nsDialogs::OnChange
- nsDialogs::OnClick
- nsDialogs::OnNotify
- nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog
- nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog
- nsDialogs::SetRTL
- nsDialogs::SetUserData
- nsDialogs::Show
- nsExec::Exec
- nsExec::ExecToLog
- nsExec::ExecToStack


Changing directory to: "C:\openvibe\trunk\scripts"

Processing script file: "C:\openvibe\trunk\scripts\win32-openvibe-x.x.x-setup.nsi"
SetCompressor: /FINAL /SOLID lzma
SetCompressorDictSize: 16 mb
!include: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
NSIS Modern User Interface version 1.8 - Copyright 2002-2009 Joost Verburg (C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh:8)
!define: "MUI_INCLUDED"=""
!define: "MUI_SYSVERSION"="1.8"
!define: "MUI_VERBOSE"="3"
!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\MUI.nsh"
!include: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\zipdll.nsh"
!define: "ZIPDLL_USED"=""
!include: closed: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\zipdll.nsh"
Name: "OpenViBE x.x.x"
OutFile: "openvibe-x.x.x-svnXXXX-setup.exe"
InstallDir: "$PROGRAMFILES\openvibe"
!define: "MUI_ABORTWARNING"=""
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: end of MUI_PAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: end of MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro: MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
!insertmacro: end of MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
!insertmacro: end of MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES
!insertmacro: MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: end of MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
!insertmacro: MUI_LANGUAGE
!insertmacro: end of MUI_LANGUAGE
Icon: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\box-install.ico"
UninstallIcon: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\box-uninstall.ico"
Function: ".onInit"
File: "UserInfo.dll"->"$PLUGINSDIR\UserInfo.dll" 4096 bytes
Plugin Command: GetAccountType
Pop: $R1
StrCmp "$R1" "Admin" equal=has_admin_rights, nonequal=0
MessageBox: 0: "You must be administrator to install OpenViBE"
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM\SOFTWARE\openvibe\InstallDir
!insertmacro: _If
!insertmacro: end of _If
IfFileExists: "$0\Uninstall.exe" ? +1 : +5
MessageBox: 4: "A previous installation of OpenViBE is installed under $0.
Continuing the install procedure will remove previous installation of OpenViBE (including all files you eventually added in the installation directory).
Would you like to accept this removal and continue on installation process ?" (on IDNO goto +1)
Abort: ""
StrCpy $OLDINSTDIR "$0" () ()
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$0" () ()
!insertmacro: _EndIf
!insertmacro: end of _EndIf
Section: "-OpenViBE"
!insertmacro: _If
!insertmacro: end of _If
!insertmacro: _EndIf
!insertmacro: end of _EndIf
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR"
WriteRegStr: HKLM\SOFTWARE\openvibe\InstallDir=$INSTDIR
WriteUninstaller: "Uninstall.exe"
CreateDirectory: "$INSTDIR\dependencies\arch"
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\dependencies"
IfFileExists: "$SYSDIR\d3dx9_42.dll" ? no_need_to_install_directx :
File: "NSISdl.dll"->"$PLUGINSDIR\NSISdl.dll" 14848 bytes
Plugin Command: download ... redist.exe arch\openvibe-directx.exe
Pop: $R0
StrCmp "$R0" "success" equal=+3, nonequal=
MessageBox: 0: "Download failed: $R0
Direct X won't be installed and 3D functionalities won't be available...
You can install DirectX later to enable 3D functionalities !"
Goto: no_need_to_install_directx
ExecWait: ""arch\openvibe-directx.exe" /T:"$INSTDIR\tmp" /Q" (->)
ExecWait: ""$INSTDIR\tmp\DXSETUP.exe" /silent" (->)
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\dependencies\arch"
File: "openvibe-vcredist-2005-sp1.exe" 2725544 bytes
File: "openvibe-vcredist-2008-sp1.exe" 4131336 bytes
File: "" 106081 bytes
File: "" 518404 bytes
File: "" 11210313 bytes
File: "..\dependencies\arch\" -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] [/x filespec [...]] filespec [...] |
/oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in script "C:\openvibe\trunk\scripts\win32-openvibe-x.x.x-setup.nsi" on line 100 -- aborting creation process

Site Admin
Posts: 417
Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:11 pm

Re: Erreur dans l'exécution de NSIS

Post by lbonnet »

Hello Marco,

Let's talk in english so everyone can understand ;)

>> Marco has a problem using the NSI script that builds the dependencies installer
File: "..\dependencies\arch\" -> no files found.
This is the zip file containing the optional dependency "gtk-theme".
When installing the dependencies, you may choose to install this dependency in order to have other skin for the GUI.

I suppose you didn't install the gtk-theme, thus you never downloaded this zip file.

I see 2 solutions :
- Try to reinstall the dependencies using the installer provided with openvibe. Make sure you install the gtk-theme.
- download the gtk-theme directly here and put it in dependencies\arch.

Hope this helps

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Posts: 645
Joined: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:39 pm

Re: Erreur dans l'exécution de NSIS

Post by yrenard »

Dear Marco,

did this solve your problem ?


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