OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

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OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by jtlindgren »

Hello all,

just to let you know that OpenViBE 2.0 is reaching a state where it can be released. We are still ironing out remaining issues, but its starting to get there. We may not be able to do the final release before the end of July, but we might put out a prerelease or a release candidate in any case.

Here is the announcement about the expected features,

If you're interested in obtaining a test version of ov 2.0 before the actual release, please email us (see ov contact page).

On the behalf of the dev team,

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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by jfrey »


Just in case the archive is not updated yet and someone has troubles to compile openvibe 2.0.0 beta on Ubuntu 16.04, instructions and a patch are available here: ... 47dcb14176

Also, if you are like me and want first and foremost to try those new meta-boxes (scenarios within scenarios), some hints: create you desired pipeline configure input and output in the "Scenario I/O" panel on the right, link those to the corresponding boxes by doing a right-click on them, go through "inputs" -> "1: Input A" (I'm keeping the default names here) -> "connect to 1: Input 1". Same for outputs.

Then you have at least to give a name to your scenario: aim at the "Help" menu -> "About this scenario", fill the "name" field.

Save your scenario with the ".mxb" extension ("Mensia XML Component"). Put it in one of the locations OpenViBE will be looking for meta-boxes, e.g. on Linux systems in the home folder.

Code: Select all

(case matters). Restart OpenViBE designer, you should now see a new box in the "Boxes" list ( with the exact same name as the one you gave to your scenario). You're set, your own box without touching a line of code!

Note that in your custom box you should avoid anything related to visualization -- at least "Signal display", on my computer it raised errors when I try to run a "meta" scenario.

Jussi, If there is already a good documentation about meta-boxes that I missed, I will edit my post to point to it in order to avoid misleading informations.

Congrats to the dev team, can't wait for the final version ;)

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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by tgaugry »


Thanks for your feedback. The problems you found have been added to our todo-list.
I'll try to see if i can update the archive and/or update the download page to add these informations. I may not have enough administrative rights.

Currently the documentation about metabox isn't ready but should be finished soon.


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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by brylie »

I would like to try the 2.0 BETA. However, I am getting errors when I try to build the source:

Code: Select all

brylie@kde-neon-silver:~/BCI/openvibe-2.0.0-beta$ sudo ./ 
./ line 6: /home/brylie/BCI/openvibe-2.0.0-beta/dist: No such file or directory
Building sdk
ERROR: Unknown parameter 
./ line 50: [: -neq: binary operator expected
Building designer
ERROR: Unknown parameter --release
./ line 58: [: -neq: binary operator expected
Building extras
ERROR: Unknown parameter 
./ line 66: [: -neq: binary operator expected
Where are instructions for building the 2.0 BETA release?

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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by tgaugry »


There is a few errors in the file for linux for OV2.0. @jfrey has made a patch and instructions to apply it/build at ... 47dcb14176
This should work on standard Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04

Also, as a general guideline, i would advise you to only use administrative rights when it's necessary. OpenViBE does not require them for the build process, so you can remove your call to sudo.

Cheers !

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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by dennykim »

Does the 2.0 beta version support Python 64bit in windows?
I believe only 32bit is supported in the stable version so it is very slow to operate in 32bit Python for demanding processes after recieving data from openvibe.

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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by tgaugry »


This is not currently planned for OV2.0
This will however likely be possible in version 2.1

In any case, I wouldn't get my hopes too high about a python performance increase due to 64b version, as python doesn't benefit much from it, due to the GIL.


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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by papadop »

Here is a quick summary of my experience on fedora 26 x86-64...

I saw the scripts, and tried to use them
(they seem much simpler than before, which is good). Yet I believe that
a toplevel cmake would have been better. Why mixing two (in fact three with windows batch files)
different languages for building OV (and even if the project insist on
keeping build scripts, I may defend that writting them in python has the
potential of homogeneizing windows and linux and Mac).

Installed Xerces-C libs by hand.
dnf install xerces-c-devel.x86_64

Then, first troubles...

Out of tree build or in tree builds just do not work. OK. I found Jeremy Frey patch, applied it. Still no luck, fedora is not supported by the scripts (an early message at the beginning of the script would be nice to avoid people insist on using them to finally discover that fedora is not supported). It also seems that out-of-tree build is not supported by
scripts as far as I can tell which is a pity (see below s scripts do not install things after building them).

So I read the build script and did the build by hand...
sdk went fine...
cd OpenVibe-2.0-f26/
mkdir sdk designer extras
cd sdk
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$OV_INSTALL ~/src/openvibe-2.0.0-beta/sdk/
| & tee config.log
make |& tee build.log
make install # Not in build script...

I had to add the last "make install", otherwise at next step either you provide the build directory of the sdk or the source, but in any case so elements are not found (includes in the former case, binaries in the latter). I have to install and then use the install directory (I guess that's the only way to build out-of-tree without modifying the cmake files).

Then I also had to do:
cd ../install
ln -s lib64 lib

This is because on fedora (and other distributions) libraries are no longer in lib but lib64. install puts them in the proper place (lib64) but the designer still looks for libraries in lib, With the link I'm papering over the problem, which is in the cmake detection of libraries. I may have some cmake code to handle that, but I'd probably need to access the git repo for easiness.

cd ../designer/
~/src/openvibe-2.0.0-beta/designer/ | & tee config.log
make | & tee build.log
make install

Extras went almost fine with:
cd ../extras
~/src/openvibe-2.0.0-beta/extras/ | & tee config.log
make | & tee build.log
make install

But a small patch is required for my compiler/lsl...
In extras/plugins/server-extensions/lsl-output/ovasCPluginLSLOutput.cpp
at line 92

to convert the CString into a std::string....

It's just a pity that we do not have a git repo to submit patches...

Next report on running OV soon....

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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by tgaugry »


Thanks for your input.

The version you have compiled is a preliminary version of OpenViBE 2.0. This version had not been tested on any fedora.
Since then, we currently have a test machine that run fedora 25 x64, so fear not, fedora users are not forgotten.
Updated scripts will be available upon 2.0 release. This also include a fix for the library folder naming issue, already addressed in our internal development git.
Still no luck, fedora is not supported by the scripts (an early message at the beginning of the script would be nice to avoid people insist on using them to finally discover that fedora is not supported). It also seems that out-of-tree build is not supported by
scripts as far as I can tell which is a pity (see below s scripts do not install things after building them).
Scripts to install dependencies are only required for ubuntu user, as older version like 14.04 do not have up to date version for some libraries. There is no need for that in fedora, since even v25 meets requirements.
We'll add the list of required packages in the readme.

make install # Not in build script...
Actually, we use ninja as the build system tool; the install phase is execute by the "ninja install" instruction.

Out of tree build or in tree builds just do not work. [...] So I read the build script and did the build by hand...
Both in and out of tree build are working on our side. Would you mind telling us what error you got ?

Yet I believe that a toplevel cmake would have been better. Why mixing two (in fact three with windows batch files)
different languages for building OV (and even if the project insist on keeping build scripts, I may defend that writting them in python has the
potential of homogeneizing windows and linux and Mac).
Current solution allow build without using command line. Build scripts also allow options in a more flexible way than cmake.

But a small patch is required for my compiler/lsl...
Can you tell us which compiler and which version you are using ?


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Re: OpenViBE 2.0 soon to be released

Post by papadop »

Sorry I just read the reply. I will make a full reply soon but for now here is just a quick reply on the last question: I'm compiling with g++ 7.2.1 and the version of lsl is 1.11.0.

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