OpenViBE Documentation 3.6.0
Spectrum Average


  • Plugin name : Spectrum Average
  • Version : 1.0
  • Author : Yann Renard
  • Company : Inria
  • Short description : Computes the average of all the frequency band powers for a spectrum
  • Documentation template generation date : Jan 24 2024


This box can be used in conjunction with the Spectral Analysis and
the Frequency Band Selector boxes in order to compute a power in specific
frequency bands of a spectrum. The output is a column matrix giving a single value for each
channel : the actual average power of the spectrum. You can may want to use these values
with the Simple DSP to get ratios.


1. Spectrum

This input should connect to a spectrum stream, either filtered with the
Frequency Band Selector box or not.

  • Type identifier : Spectrum (0x1f261c0a, 0x593bf6bd)


1. Spectrum average

The output is a column matrix giving a single value for each
channel : the actual average power of the spectrum.

  • Type identifier : Streamed matrix (0x544a003e, 0x6dcba5f6)


1. Considers zeros

The Frequency Band Selector outputs a spectrum with
all initial frequency band represented. The bands that were not selected
just have a 0 instead of their value. Consequently, you can use this settings
to tell the box if the 0s contained in the spectrum should be part of the
mean or not.

  • Type identifier : Boolean (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea)
  • Default value : [ false ]

