Todo List
Class CommandFileParser
The implementation uses a lot of string utility functions that need more testing
Class IAlgorithm
details about building new plugins
Class IAlgorithmDesc
details about building new plugins
Class IBoxAlgorithm
details about building new plugins
Class IBoxAlgorithmDesc
details about building new plugins
Member IHeader::getChannelCount (void) const =0
Member IHeader::isChannelCountSet (void) const =0
Member IHeader::isChannelUnitSet (void) const =0
Class IKernelObjectFactory
should it be removed ?
Class IPlayer
Refactor this base class to propose an interface more OpenViBE compliant (use IDs, intialize/unitialize pairs etc...)
Class IPluginObject
details about building new plugins
Class IPluginObjectDesc
details about building new plugins
Class IReaderHelper

float80 reading implementation

date reading implementation

utf8 string reading implementation

Class IScenario
Add meta information for this scenario
Class IWriterHelper

float80 formating implementation

date formating implementation

utf8 string formating implementation

Class ProgramOptions< First, Types >
The parser has only be tested for the player use. It needs more in-depth testing to be used in another context. Moreover, it should be extended to accept any type.
Page What is EBML
Write more documentation on what EBML is