OpenViBE Documentation

Tutorial: Using the built-in Impedance Checker

  • NB: Tutorial based on OpenViBE 0.6.1 (20-may-2010).


The OpenViBE framework provides some mechanisms to improve your acquisition drivers. These services are given by the IDriverContext. One of them is the Impedance Checker : If your device is capable of giving impedance values you can give them to the impedance checker, and in few lines of code you will have real-time feedback on the impedance of the electrodes when you connect the driver.

This tutorial covers this optional mechanism, how it works and how to integrate it in your driver.


In order to use properly the impedance checker, you have to be sure that :

  • Your acquisition device has an "Impedance" mode
  • The device and/or the electrodes won't be damaged by using the impedance acquisition mode

Among the devices currently available in OpenViBE, the g.Tec gUSBAmp and the Micromed SD LTM can acquire impedance values of each electrode connected. The MindMedia NeXus32B can't. It has been reported that some models of active electrode do not support impedance mode or can be damaged if the impedance acquisition is used too long or too many times. We strongly recommend you to check the full documentation of your device, and/or ask the manufacturer if any questions remain.


Let's take an example, with a dummy driver CDriverFooBarDevice. We assume that the FooBarDevice can handle impedance mode, and that the API provides a function that gives the impedance value of a given channel.

Impedance or not impedance ?

The basic configuration provides a dedicated token, that you can use to check if the user wants to use the impedance checker. The Configuration manager gives you access to that token.

 CDriverFooBarDevice::CDriverFooBarDevice(IDriverContext& rDriverContext)
  //... set sampling frequency, channel count, etc.

  // We get the token "AcquisitionServer_CheckImpedance", 
  // if not found it will be "false"
  m_bImpedanceCheck =
      .getLogManager() << LogLevel_Trace 
                       << (m_bImpedanceCheck?
                           "Impedance will be checked"
                          :"Impedance won't be checked") 
                       << "\n";

Update the impedance values

To enable the visual feedback of the impedance checker, you just need to give the IDriverContext the impedance values of a given channel. You should call this function only when the driver is initialized and not started. Read the full documentation of IDriverContext for further details.

OpenViBE::boolean updateImpedance(
   const OpenViBE::uint32     ui32ChannelIndex, 
   const OpenViBE::float64    f64Impedance)

We will call this function in the driver main loop, at the right time.

boolean CDriverGTecGUSBamp::loop(void)
    return false;

        //... Get the data from hardware, 
    // fill the buffer, maybe correct a jitter, etc.
    //connected, but not started : let's check the impedance 
      for(uint32 i = 0; i < m_oHeader.getChannelCount(); i++)
        // we get the impedance of each channel
        double l_dImpedance = FooBarAPI::getImpedance(i);
        // and update the driver context with it
        m_rDriverContext.updateImpedance(i, l_dImpedance);

In this example we assumed that the call to the API FooBarAPI::getImpedance(i) returns a value in a nearly instantaneous time. If the device needs more time the program will hang for few seconds in the loop, maybe more. For example, the g.Tec gUSBamp needs 1 second for each call. In this case, you can ask for the impedance value of only one channel, and change the channel in every loop() call. Please look at ovasCDriverGTecGUSBamp.cpp for further details.


The figure below shows the impedance checker at work with the g.Tec gUSBamp. Note that the acquisition server is connected but not started.

TODO : snapshot


Impedance checker