OpenViBE Documentation

Connector Types

OpenViBE box algorithms may be connected together by their inputs and outputs. The number of these connectors varies between boxes. To make scenario execution safer, these connectors are typed, and are an indication of what kind of data a box expects and outputs. Thus, each connector type is associated to a corresponding flow type.

Here is a list of existing flow/connector types :

  • Channel localisation : contains the list of channels from which input signals are retrieved, along with their characteristics (name, localisation).
  • EBML stream : EBML is an XML like syntax used in OpenViBE to send data between boxes.
  • Experiment information : provides details about the experiment regarding the subject (name, age, gender and so on) and the device/peripheral used to acquire signals (name, number of channels...)
  • Feature vector : a feature vector contains remarkable characteristics identified in an input signal and is typically sent to a classifier to identify the class of the signal.
  • Producer/consumer : this type of stream was developed for the similarly named sample boxes, in order to demonstrate the use of algorithms in plugins.
  • Signal : this type contains sample values measured at the input channels.
  • Spectrum : processed version of the signal type, where sample values are Fourier-transformed over a period of time in order to determine the power spectrum of the signal, i.e. its power in a number of frequency bands.
  • Stimulations : some experiments involve stimulations to trigger responses from the subject. This type stores stimulation dates and IDs.
  • Streamed matrix : similar to the signal type, only it is reformatted into matrix form where the first dimension is mapped to channels and the second to sample values.

Casting one type into another / Type inheritance :