OpenViBE Documentation

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CIdentifierGlobally used identifiaction class

This class is the basic class to use in order to identify objects in the OpenViBE platform. It can be used for class identification, for object identification and any user needed identification process

CIdentifierBase class to work with EBML identifiers
CIdentifierBase class to work with Automaton identifiers
CMatrixBasic standalone OpenViBE matrix implementation

This class offers a basic standalone impementation of the OpenViBE::IMatrix interface. This class can be directly instanciated and used

CMemoryBufferBasic standalone OpenViBE memory buffer implementation

This class offers a basic standalone impementation of the OpenViBE::IMemoryBuffer interface. This class can be directly instanciated and used

CNameValuePairListThis class handles a list of name/value pairs. It handles a (hidden) map associating string keys to string values.

This class avoids the need to include stl's map header file in the C++ interface, thus preventing potential compile/link errors when dynamically loading modules

COgreObjectAn OgreObject manages a 3D object in an Ogre scene
COgreResourceGroupOgre Resource Group management This class handles a resource group, possibly shared by multiple scenarios. Its reference count keeps track of when it is actually needed. Resources are freed when the count reaches 0
COgreSceneManagement of an Ogre scene This class creates a scene manager and a default 3D scene which can be populated using a simplified 3D API
COgreVisualisationHigh level Ogre initialisation & management This class initializes the Ogre library, creates 3D scenes, windows (views of 3D scenes) and objects that populate such scenes
COgreWindowAn OgreWindow visualises a 3D scene This class manages a RenderWindow which contents are visualised in a single viewport
CStimulationSetBasic standalone OpenViBE stimulation set implementation

This class offers a basic standalone impementation of the OpenViBE::IStimulationSet interface. This class can be directly instanciated and used

CStringString class to avoid std::string in the interface

This class helps avoiding std::string being present in exposed C++ interface, eventually resulting in compile/link errors when dynamically loading modules

CVisualisationContextVisualisation context made available to plugins and allowing them to interact with a 3D scene This class offers a simplified, library independent 3D API to be used by plugin developers
GtkOVCustomCustom Gtk widget whose behaviour may be adapted to the developer's needs This widget is to be instanciated using the gtk_ov_custom_new function only
IAlgorithmAbstract algorithm, base element of OpenViBE processing objects

This class should be derived by any plugin that is related to data processing. It basically has a parameterable interface contained in the IAlgorithmContext object. This interface stores several typed parameters which can be modified either by outside world in order to provide input paramters to this algorithm or by this algorithm itself in order to produce output parameters

IAlgorithmContextExectution context for algorithm objects
IAlgorithmDescAlgorithm plugin descriptor

This class should be derived by any plugin developper in order to describe a specific OpenViBE algorithm

IAlgorithmManagerManager for all kind of plugin algorithms
IAlgorithmProtoPrototype interface for algorithm
IAlgorithmProxyApplication interface to an algorithm plugin
IBoxComplete OpenViBE box interface

This interface can be used in order to fully describe an OpenViBE black box. It describes its identification values, its inputs, its outputs and its settings

IBoxAlgorithmAlgorithm to create/process/transform OpenViBE data

This class should be derived by any plugin that is related to data processing. It can be data acquisition/production from an hardware device or from a file. It can be data processing/transforming, moving time information into frequency space for example. It can be data classification generating discrete classification events better than continuous data flow

IBoxAlgorithmContextSpecific context to use for box algorithm plugins

This 'context' is given by the player to an algorithm plugin so it has all the necessary tools to work. This algorithm context mainly consists in getting other contexts which could be defined and used more generically (such as the box interface or a global player interface for example)

IBoxAlgorithmDescBox algorithm plugin descriptor

This class should be derived by any plugin developper in order to describe a specific OpenViBE box algorithm

IBoxIOMain OpenViBE box interface to communicate with the kernel

This context allows the object which uses it to check inputs states, read them, write outputs while being in a dynamic context (used by player)

IBoxListenerContextExectution context for box algorithm descriptors
IBoxProtoOpenViBE box prototype

This class is used by a plugin algorithm descriptor to let the OpenViBE platform know what an algorithm box looks like. It declares several things, like it input types, output types and settings

IConfigurableConfigurable object interface
IDriverBase class for all the OpenViBE acquisition server drivers
IDriverCallbackBase class for all the OpenViBE acquisition server driver callbacks
IHeaderBase class for an OpenViBE header container
IKernelContextKernel context interface, gives access to each manager the kernel owns
IKernelDescA kernel description
IKernelLoaderThis class allows an OpenViBE application to load a kernel module
IKernelObjectBase class for all kernel objects
IKernelObjectFactoryKernel object factory, creates all kernel objects
ILinkLink information between OpenViBE box

This class collects informations between OpenViBE boxes : box identifiers and input / output indices

ILogListenerLog manager's listener interface
ILogManagerLog manager
IMaterialPassActionA class which calls the action for each pass of each technique
IMatrixBasic OpenViBE matrix interface
IMemoryBufferBasic OpenViBE memory buffer interface
IMessageBase message class
IMessageClockClock message
IMessageEventEvent message
IMessageSignalSignal message
IObjectBase class for all the OpenViBE platform objects
IObjectVisitorContextExectution context for visitor objects
IParameterGeneric parameter handler for configurable objects
IPlayerThe main player class

A player is responsible for the playback of a specific scenario. This player scenario is provided at initialisation stage and should not be changed until the player terminates. The player idea of calling a "play" function forces the use of threads in order to avoid CPU locking. Thus we prefer the idea of having a "short-time" function that is to be called repeatedly until the player terminates. This is the role of the IPlayer::loop function, that should be called repeatedly by the outside application

IPlayerContextPlayer interface for plugin objects

Instances of this class are given to plugin object so they can communicate with the platform kernel, providing services such as message sending etc..

IPlayerManagerThe manager responsible for scenario playback

The player manager is responsible for creating the different player instances. Each player is responsible for the playback of a specific scenario

IPluginManagerLog manager
IPluginModulePlugin module
IPluginModuleContextPlugin context
IPluginObjectBase class for plugin object

This class is the base class for all the concrete plugin classes that extend the OpenViBE platform. It comes with several basic functions each plugin should have in order to work in the OpenViBE platform

IPluginObjectDescBase class for plugin descriptor

This class is the base class for all the plugin description classes. It contains basic functions that could be used for each plugin description. Derived plugin descriptions will be used as a prototype of what they can create

IProcessingUnitProcessing unit information for OpenViBE boxes
IReaderEBML processing class
IReaderCallbackCallback class to use when parsing the EBML stream
IReaderHelperHelper to read basic EBML types
IScenarioA static OpenViBE scenario

This class is a static scenario description. It is used to manipulate an OpenViBE box/connection collection..

IScenarioManagerThe scenario manager

This manager is responsible to organize and handle all the scenarios of the kernel

IsProgrammableAction to know if is programmable. Main pass is programmable ? ie includes either a vertex or fragment program
IStimulationSetBasic OpenViBE stimulation set interface
ITreeViewCBTree view interface It must be implemented by classes which communicate with the IVisualisationTree class in order to display the contents of the visualisation tree
ITypeManagerType manager, provides information on platform's handled types, parameters, streams etc..
IVisualisationContextVisualisation manager interface for plugin objects
IVisualisationManagerThe VisualisationManager handles IVisualisationTree objects It maintains a list of IVisualisationTree objects, each of which is associated to a scenario. This manager is used both at scenario creation time (to load or create IVisualisationTree objects), and when the scenario is being run (to forward IVisualisationWidget pointers to the related IVisualisationTree)
IVisualisationManager::IVisualisationTreeEnumAn interface used to iteratively notify its creator of the existence of IVisualisationTree objects
IVisualisationTreeHandles visualisation widgets and their arrangement in space This interface lets applications configure visualisation widgets by adding them to windows and tabs, positioning them next to each other using paned widgets, and resizing them as the user sees fit. All widgets are saved in a symbolic way as IVisualisationWidget instances referenced in a tree store. Methods of this class are essentially meant to be called from an external class inheriting from the ITreeViewCB interface, for offline design or online use of the widgets
IVisualisationWidgetInterface of visualisation widgets that are handled by an IVisualisationTree These objects are stored in an IVisualisationTree object as they are being created and modified to suit the graphical needs of a scenario
IWriterEBML formating class
IWriterCallbackCallback class to use when creating the EBML stream
IWriterHelperHelper to write basic EBML types
MaterialSetAwarenessAction to set the awareness color. Carefull MaterialSetAwareness is exclusive, you have to choose beetween, MaterialSetMaterialName and MaterialSetAwareness
MaterialSetDiffuseAction to set the diffuse color. Sets the color
MaterialSetSceneBlendingAction to set the scene blending. Sets the blending method to use to adjust transparency
MaterialSetShaderAction to set shader. Allow user to add fragment and shader on a new Pass
MaterialSetTransparencyAction to change this instance transparency
MaterialVertexBufferAction to modify a Vertex Buffer
TParameterHandlerHelper class in order to manipulate IParameter and IParameter values natively