OpenViBE Documentation

The Visualisation Context

The visualisation context is an interface made available to plugins and designed to meet their graphical needs. Since it is not the aim of OpenViBE to handle complex 3D environments

Howto : setting vertex colors with setVertexColorArray

First, the vertex buffer should be configured to contain a vertex color field. If using an object authoring tool, this is done by enabling vertex colors on the mesh. When exporting the mesh to the Ogre format, one should also make sure vertex colors are exported (there should be such a setting in the configuration panel of your exporter, e.g. OgreMax for 3DS Max)

Second, the material used by the mesh should tell Ogre to use vertex colors instead of a fixed material color. This can be achieved by setting the diffuse color field of a rendering pass to 'vertexcolour' (as opposed to four floats describing the fixed diffuse color of the material). This is an example of such a material for Ogre :

material myMaterial
                        diffuse vertexcolour

Of course, more complex materials can be used with objects using vertex colors. If the model is textured, one should ensure the texture is modulated with the diffuse color.