
AdjustOpenvibe is a C++ application that fixes the scripts generated by “win32-generate-vc-proj.cmd”. It adds additional includes to header files and lib files that the aforementioned script for some reason fails to generate. The application is distributed in source, but it should compile easily. This program allows OpenVibe to be compiled natively on Visual Studio 2010 without the help of external scripts. This makes debugging and executing from VS more natural. This is specifically useful for the Designer and the Application Server.

There is a list of perquisites before executing this program:

– First compile the entire project with scripts\win32-built.cmd and have the dist folder populated

– Generate VS 2010 solution files and projects with: scripts\win32-generate-vc-proj.cmd


– execute AdjustOpenVibe.exe with path to a OpenVibe VC++ project like this:

>AdjustOpenVibe.exe “C:\work\openvibe-0.13.1-svn3210-src\local-tmp\visual\trunc\OpenViBE-designer-dynamic.vcxproj”

Adjust OpenVibe also sets “Multi-processor compilation” or “/MP” to be used which should reduce the total compilation time on multi-core machines when the first compilation is performed. Then you can switch again to “incremental compilation”.